Highlights of the 67th ASEAN FLAG Council Meeting
- The Council meeting was convened on 14 August 2018 and was called to order at 2:50 PM.
- There was a quorum.
- The Agenda was confirmed subject to the addition of the following items under other matters: (a) Sabah Declaration; (b) updates on 68th Council meeting; and (c) corporate planning session under other matters.
- An opening address was delivered by the President.
- Minutes of the previous Council meeting confirmed subject to minor corrections.
- Matters arising (please see attached table of action items).
- The Honorary Secretary General reported the following: (a) no new membership received; (b) ________________.
- Sumaryono of the Badan Informasi Geospatial (BIG) – Indonesia presented the ongoing efforts of the MRA Working Group under the auspices of the Coordinating Committee on Services pursuant to ASEAN Free Trade Agreement on Services (AFAS) on the “Harmonization of ASEAN Surveying Education”.
- Lee Hellen, Director of Surveying and Spatial Science Institute – Australia gave the Council updates about the hosting of the SEASC 2019 in Darwin, Australia.
- Individual country representatives rendered their respective country reports. The status of Work Group reports was also discussed.
- Simon Chung Chee Kong, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, RISM-Sabah Branch, briefed the Council on the 2nd ASEAN Land Governance Summit.Before closing the meeting, the date and venue of the 68th Council Meeting and Regional Technical Seminar was discussed. It was agreed to reset it on 3-5 December 2018 at the Amara Hotel in Singapore.The meeting was momentarily adjourned at around 6:30 P.M.
- Second ASEAN Land Governance Summit
- Second ASEAN Land Governance Summit
- A representative from RISM-Sabah Branch rendered a report on the outcome of the Second ASEAN Land Governance Summit.
- Individual country representatives continued the rendition of their respective country reports. The status of Work Group reports was also discussed.
- The Honorary Treasure General made a report on the financial status.
- Other matters
- Sabah Declaration –
- Updates on 68th Council meeting – The SISV has finally confirmed the dates and venue of the 68th Council Meeting and Regional Technical Seminar
- Corporate Planning Session – The President did not touch on this but requested the host of the 68th Council meeting to include this in one of the session instead.
- The President delivered parting words and take home messages then adjourned the meeting at around 12:40 Noon time.